Intentional JOY

Let’s talk about J-O-Y!!!
With anything I do or host, my prayer is that you will find joy in the moment. No matter what kind of week or day you’ve had I pray that when you step into my kitchen, or show up at one of the Moonshine & Suppertime events you will feel the joy. I want for you to feel special, important, and celebrated! I want you to feel the presence of Jesus when we talk. And I want you to experience the love of a friend when we hug!


My joy comes from you being blessed. I love tablescaping, creating, decorating, cooking and all the things. But mostly, I love for you to enjoy the meal and feel comfortable to relax, talk and laugh! When guards are let down friendships are built! I’m blessed beyond measure when I see you talking to a new friend across the table.

Joy is also something I pray for in my home. I pray my children find true Joy in the Lord. That our home is full of Joy. But I also feel responsible to create a joyful atmosphere within the walls of our home.

I’ve been thinking a lot on intentional living, and what that means to me. But also what that means to others. For me. It’s saying no to some good things so that I can say yes to the great things!! It also reminds me to find joy in the process, in the mess and every moment in between!


The Christmas season can create added stress for so many reasons. But join me is taking control of your season. Say no to what might be good so that you may say yes to the great things with your favorite people.

Ask your kids or family what traditions are important to them, then choose a few things that you all love and focus on those things. Don’t feel the pressure to do all the things. When we have less to do, we typically enjoy what we’re doing more!! Joy is the key here, friends!

Don’t let guilt steal your joy either!! Because let me tell you one thing, when you choose who and where you spend your time, some people may not like your choices (your in-laws perhaps.) But you know what, it’s okay!!! Now is the time for us a mama’s to create a home and holidays that our children will remember. Create something they will want to return home from college for, and something they will want to recreate with their children one day. Now is the time, this year is your year. Don’t wait, make it all you dream for it to be.


And About all those things we’re supposed to do with our kids, I’m here to tell you Mama, your kids don’t care how perfect it is, how pretty, how homemade, or how fancy it is! They just care about being with you! If baking isn’t your thing, buy the slice and bake cookie dough! No shame in that game! And you know what? Your kids (and your neighbors) won’t think a bit less of you!! The memories that last will be the ones where you decorated semi-homemade cookies with messy frosting and colorful sprinkles!

As you celebrate the season, do so with joy because after all, He came so the we could have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10.)

Ways to be intentional this Christmas

  1. Grab some markers and card stock and gather the kids. Spend an hour making a few cards thanking people for putting in the effort to create a beautiful Christmas Lights display. Then, pile your tribe in the car and drive through a lit up neighborhood. Leave the cards in the paper boxes of a few of your favorite homes with the best Christmas light displays!

  2. Invite your neighbors over!! Have a kitchen party!! Keep it simple! Serve cheese and crackers and semi-homemade snacks. Think, Chex Mix, Puppy Chow, hummus with veggies. Crack open a bottle of wine and call it good!!

  3. Go Christmas Shopping as a family!! Yes, you heard me correctly. Take one afternoon and divide and conquer. Mom and sister take off one way to pick up a gift for brother, dad, and grandma. Send dad and brother the other way to pick up the perfect gifts for grandpa, and sister, etc. Make a list, set a time limit and get it done. Then go our for pizza! Make it fun, shop local, and get a bunch of shopping crossed off your to-do list!!

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Keep it Simple

Creating an atmosphere of Joy can be as simple as turning on the Christmas music in the mornings before the children arise. Or create a dessert bar on the kitchen counter for a special after school snack. Use store bought peppermint bark, add a bowl of their favorite candies and a platter of semi-homemade sugar cookies.


Christmas Cookie Decorating

I had the best time today hosting our first annual cookie decorating class. I shared many tips and my favorite supplies with a great group of sweet friends.

I even brought along my silly-faced little beauty too! She’s so bold and fun, everything I am and everything I’m not all in one!.

Below is one of my favorite sugar cookie recipes. It’s quick and simple with just 6 ingredients


Sugar Cookies

1 cup softened butter

1 cup sugar

1 egg

3 cups flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream butter and sugar with electric mixer, add egg and continue to mix well. Add remaining ingredients and gently mix until stiff dough forms.

Roll dough out on floured counter, use cookie cutters to create cookies. Bake for 9-10 minutes in 350 degree oven.


Royal Icing

1/2 cup meringue powder

1- 2 pound bag powdered sugar

1 cup water

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix all ingredients well with electric mixer.

Use thicker icing for piping and thin with water for flooding technique.


Create the perfect Hot Cocoa Bar to accompany your own cookie party or Christmas movie night.

Packets of Hot Cocoa

Cute cups and paper napkins

Mini marshmallows

Chocolate chips

Caramel chips

Heath Bar toffee chips

peppermint sticks

cinnamon and sugar

caramel sauce

whipped cream

Photo credit to my talented friend Rachael. Check out her work at

Jennifer Brown